
15-745 Optimizing Compilers S15 Project

Project Group

Tiffany Bao, Dominic Chen, Rijnard van Tonder


Although numerous debugging tools have been developed for performing static and dynamic software analysis, a large number of these require access to source code or utilization of special compile-time flags to embed debug information within the output binary. In contrast, little effort has been spent on developing static binary analysis tools which can directly analyze off-the-shelf executables without executing them. For this project, we plan to focus on a subset of common programming bugs that tend to introduce security vulnerabilities, known as memory-safety errors. Examples of these include buffer overflows, double frees, and uninitialized variables. Over the course of the project, we will develop and implement various static memory-safety analyses into our group’s Binary Analysis Platform (BAP). BAP is a pre-existing framework written in OCaml for performing analysis of binary code, and we’ll be using it primarily with the ARM architecture.

Project Location

We expect to add build instructions here once appropriate. For now, the project contents can be found at

git clone https://github.com/ddcc/15745-s15-project.git

Project Milestone

Consider the following code snippet:

            #include <stdio.h>
            #include <string.h>

            int main(int argc, char** argv) {
              char dst[10] = {0};
              strcpy(dst, argv[1]);
This code, when disassembled from a binary and lifted to BIL, looks as follows:

     1	            base_436 := SP                                                              
     2	            mem := mem with [base_436 + 0xFFFFFFFC:32, el]:u32 <- LR                    
     3	            mem := mem with [base_436 + 0xFFFFFFF8:32, el]:u32 <- R11                   
     4	            SP := SP - 0x8:32                                                           
     5	            s_438 := SP                                                                 
     6	            t_439 := 0x4:32                                                             
     7	            R11 := SP + 0x4:32                                                          
     8	            s_441 := SP                                                                 
     9	            t_442 := 0x18:32                                                            
    10	            SP := SP - 0x18:32                                                          
    11	            mem := mem with [R11 + 0xFFFFFFE8:32, el]:u32 <- R0                         
    12	            mem := mem with [R11 + 0xFFFFFFE4:32, el]:u32 <- R1                         
    13	            s_446 := R11                                                                
    14	            t_447 := 0x10:32                                                            
    15	            R3 := R11 - 0x10:32                                                         
    16	            R2 := 0x0:32                                                                
    17	            mem := mem with [R3 + 0x0:32, el]:u32 <- R2                                 
    18	            s_451 := R3                                                                 
    19	            t_452 := 0x4:32                                                             
    20	            R3 := R3 + 0x4:32                                                           
    21	            R2 := 0x0:32                                                                
    22	            mem := mem with [R3 + 0x0:32, el]:u32 <- R2                                 
    23	            s_456 := R3                                                                 
    24	            t_457 := 0x4:32                                                             
    25	            R3 := R3 + 0x4:32                                                           
    26	            R2 := 0x0:32                                                                
    27	            t_460 := low:16[R2]                                                         
    28	            mem := mem with [R3 + 0x0:32, el]:u16 <- t_460                              
    29	            s_462 := R3                                                                 
    30	            t_463 := 0x2:32                                                             
    31	            R3 := R3 + 0x2:32                                                           
    32	            R3 := mem[R11 + 0xFFFFFFE4:32, el]:u32                                      
    33	            s_466 := R3                                                                 
    34	            t_467 := 0x4:32                                                             
    35	            R3 := R3 + 0x4:32                                                           
    36	            R3 := mem[R3 + 0x0:32, el]:u32                                              
    37	            s_470 := R11                                                                
    38	            t_471 := 0x10:32                                                            
    39	            R2 := R11 - 0x10:32                                                         
    40	            R0 := R2                   ; dest                                                      
    41	            R1 := R3                   ; src                                                     
    42	            LR := 0x849C:32                                                              
    43	            jmp 0x82E0:32        ; strcpy call                                                       
    44	            R0 := R3                                                                     
    45	            s_476 := R11                                                                 
    46	            t_477 := 0x4:32                                                              
    47	            SP := R11 - 0x4:32                                                           
    48	            base_478 := SP                                                               
    49	            R11 := mem[base_478 + 0x0:32, el]:u32                                        
    50	            SP := SP + 0x8:32                                                            
    51	            jmp (mem[base_478 + 0x4:32, el]:u32)                                         
With our current 75% goals in mind, we create a data dependency graph for this function, and infer the arguments (statements 40, 41) to the strcpy call (statement 43) using the BAP ABI interface. We highlight these in the following graph:

(Click to enlarge) Note: label indices are reversed here.

This information allows us to construct an expression which encapsulates potential data transformations on the input as it originates from the start of the function.

Running Schedule

Week Goal
3/16 - 3/20 Write project proposal
3/23 - 3/27 Implement 75% goals
3/30 - 4/3 Implement 75% goals
4/6 - 4/10 Implement 100% goals
4/13 - 4/17 Implement 100% goals
4/20 - 4/24 Implement 125% goals
4/27 - 4/29 Write final report, prepare for poster session
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